Friday, November 2, 2012

Grandma Annie

There have been a couple things the girls have done recently that referred to Grandma Annie.

Right after Christian was born Brett was upstairs putting the girls to bed and Libby told Brett that she wished Grandma Annie could be here. Then a couple days later she looked and me and said "Grandma Annie can see Christian". To be honest I didn't even know what to say. I was speechless. We hadn't even been talking about Grandma was so out of the blue.

Then just this past week, we were at Parent Teaches Conferences, which, by the way, made me feel somewhat weird and old, the girls were at their Aunt Betsy's house and she said that Jade came up to her and said "You know I have a friend"...Betsy asked her who her friend was and she told her Grandma Annie and that she bakes her cookies.

It blows my mind even more that Jade brought this up considering, once again, we had not even been talking about my mom and she never even met her. The next couple of days all Jade seemed to talk about was Grandma Annie....makes my HEART SMILE and BREAKS MY HEART all at the same time.

I just wish my kids, and my brothers' kids could have been blessed with more time or even one day with their Grandma Annie. As we all know...being a Grandma was something she definitely lived for, just sucks it was so short lived.


  1. Oh Erie...that just gives me goosebumps of joy! I truly believe your mom's spirit is alive in those little girls and her work continues watching over all of you! Hugs~ auntie Sarah

  2. Isn't that amazing!? Those kids all have a pretty amazing guardian angel looking out for them!!
