Friday, September 30, 2011

My Heart Hurt

I made a trip back home to support a dear friend of mine. Sadly, her dad passed away Wednesday September 21, 2011. This was the first funeral I was going to attend since my own Mom's....I was....nervous. I didn't know if I would be able to compose myself and be there for her in such a time of need, but I soon realized that although I inevitably thought of my Mom and how much I missed her, my friend was my main concern. My heart literally ached for my friend. It made me so incredibly sad and heartbroken to have to see her go through such a hurt and loss that I knew all to well. I wanted to be able to take her pain away so she would not have to feel the emptiness and loss of losing a parent. You know the saying "my heart hurt", my Mom's death was the first time that I truly "KNEW" what that meant. It literally meant MY HEART HURT. I wished more than anything that my friend did not have to feel that hurt.


Thursday, September 1, 2011

Western Nebraska Here We Come

Awww...finally a sigh of relief. Brett has started a new job as an agronomist with Westco in Alliance, NE. We are hoping to close on a house around the beginning of October and maybe...just maybe we will be able to settle down again.

We sure are blessed to have such a wonderful family. My dad took us in for about 6 weeks when we took the plunge and moved back to Nebraska from Missouri and now my mother/father-in-law are letting us invade their home for about 6 weeks. Now it's just the hastle of all the things that go along with moving.

And so...a new chapter is now opened!!